Council of International Schools (CIS)
The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals.
Characteristics of a CIS-accredited school:
The final award of CIS accreditation shows that the school has achieved high standards of professional performance in international education and has a commitment to continuous improvement. In particular, the award of accreditation shows that the school:
- is devoted to its mission and vision for students
- has thought deeply about the services it offers to students, family and community
- invests the time and resources for validation from a globally-recognized accreditation authority
- focuses on the quality of teaching, student learning, as well as student safeguarding and well-being
- is committed to the development of the students’ global citizenship
- has a suitable philosophy of education suitable for its students
- promises only what it can deliver
- is open to regular evaluation by its own school community and peer evaluators
- constantly seeks improvement in all areas of the school plans strategically for the future.