Years 12-13 (IB Diploma)

IB Programmes

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. The IB Diploma is for students between the ages of 16 and 19 and is an internationally renowned pre-university programme. Uplands, as a key international school in Penang, has one of the best IB Diploma Programmes in South East Asia.

The Uplands International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme

At Pre-University (Years 12-13) level, Uplands proudly offers its students the opportunity the embark on the International Baccalaureatte Diploma Programme (IBDP). The gold standard in Pre-University education, the IB Diploma is for students that recognise that the world is changing very quickly in lots of different ways and that they want to be ready for it. The IBO motto “Education for a better world” encompasses the internationally-minded nature of the IBDP. It gives students the skills and knowledge to be future influencers.

The Diploma Programme (DP) is a curriculum that emphasizes both breadth and depth of knowledge. The DP is made up of six subject groups and a core, comprising theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, service (CAS) and a research paper of up to 4,000 words, the extended essay (EE). The IBDP involves choosing a subject from one of each of these 6 groups, three to study in detail at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). All IBDP subjects have a balance of coursework that is externally assessed by examination and internally assessed work that is externally moderated.

In essence, the IBDP is not a narrow, career focussed preparation, it is deliberately broad and focuses on using higher-order thinking skills such as evaluating, analysing and synthesising. This programme is considered the best preparation for University study by many of the best University around the world. Ultimately the programme is about so much more than just the grades received at the end of it.

“IB is well known to us for excellent preparation. Success in an IB programme correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript.” Marilyn McGrath Lewis Director of Admissions at Harvard University

The IB Diploma Programme at a glance

  • A challenging two-year pre-university course for expatriate and Malaysian students
  • An international curriculum incorporating research-based practice providing a high-quality education which centres on learners develops effective approaches to learning works within global contexts and explores significant content
  • A holistic approach in academic studies with subject groups from the liberal arts and sciences
  • Course and workload designed to prepare students for university studies
  • Enables international students to transfer and move between countries without affecting their education
  • At least 5 A* – C in IGCSE/O-Levels/SPM or equivalent for entry
  • Emphasis on critical thinking, intercultural understanding and responsible citizenship

IB Diploma holders gain admission to universities throughout the world. Annually, our students achieve external examination results that are consistently above the global average, with all of our graduates successfully matriculating to prestigious universities worldwide.

Studies in Language & Literature

Language A: Literature

English SL/HL

School-supported Self-taught Language SL

Language A: Language & Literature

Chinese SL/HL

English SL/HL

Language Acquisition

Language B

English HL

French SL/HL

German SL/HL

Mandarin SL/HL

Spanish SL/HL

Language ab initio

Spanish or French SL

Individuals and Societies

Economics SL/HL

Geography SL/HL

History SL/HL

Psychology SL/HL


Biology SL/HL

Chemistry SL/HL

Computer Science SL/HL

Design Technology SL/HL

Physics SL/HL


Analysis and Approaches SL/HL

Application and Interpretation SL/HL

The Arts

Film SL/HL

Music SL/HL

Theatre SL/HL

Visual Arts SL/HL

In addition to the six subjects taken, the student must also complete the following components: 

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

An interdisciplinary course linking the six subject groups intended to stimulate critical and creative thinking on knowledge gained. TOK challenges students to be analytical, objective, and appreciate other cultural perspectives.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

Creativity, Activity, and Service are at the heart of the IB Diploma Programme. It is the IB Learner Profile in action.

The emphasis in CAS is on learning through reflecting on experiences. CAS aims to develop the whole person. It complements academic accomplishments with practical and real-life experiences that are a medium for personal and social development.

The purpose is for students to be involved in experiences that will make a significant difference to their lives and to the lives of others, as well as challenge them to extend existing skills or learn new ones.

Extended Essay

This course enables each student to explore a topic of special interest from any of the subject groups. The Extended Essay introduces students to the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities with the submission of a 4000-word essay. The required length enables students to deepen their studies and produce original work under close academic supervision.

While the programme is demanding, IB is not an elitist course but open to the average and aboveaverage students throughout their studies, effective learners in IB need to be motivated, knowledgeable, strategic in their learning, ethical, compassionate, reflective, and socially interactive.

Resource and Document Downloads

The IB Learners Profile

The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. The learner profile provides a long‐term vision of education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose.

IB learners strive to be